Denise McNair, 11; Carole Robertson, 14; Addie Mae Collins, 14; and Cynthia Wesley, 14; from left, are shown in these 1963 photos. A former Ku Klux Klansman, Thomas Blanton Jr., 62, was convicted of murder Tuesday, May 1, 2001, for the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing that killed the four girls on Sept. 15, 1963. This site is dedicated to these 4 victims of racial tyranny
Hi my name is Kaleb and I thank you for visiting this site, I am one who is grieved for the martyred of my people, particularly these 4 young girls of yesterday past on. I have observered, I have read, I have seen and it has set in, the hurt for my people. With a fire that burns daily I will continue to search scriptures to find that truth that will bind the gaps which has kept our brethren apart for thousands of years . I am no scholar but well learned in the things regarding our heavenly father and his plans for our awakening as a people. In my journeys I have seen the carnage , suffering and conspiracy against my people bythe elite ruling class of this world
I have seen the churches continue the lies under the Newage Christianity Banner of Rome doing nothing for the lost. Christ demanded that his disciples go out and reach the lost brethren of Israel, the lost sheep; so here i am. The religious sectors have failed our people by not telling them their true origins that they are the inheritance and the Elect spoken of.
But who are the Lost you will ask if they are lost?. They are the ones caught in the biggest lie the world has ever believed , the victims of identity theft and lies which left the true nations of the Most High as paupers , minorities and a byword of all nations in the earth. Not lost physically but spiritually and psychologically. The biggest crime and magic trick was making a whole nation of Israelites disappear by labeling all blacks AFRICANS and our brothers the natives of the Americas and Caribbean labeling them INDIANS.
My purpose is to educate inform and inspire that we may come out of this pagan Babylonian system and rise spiritually from the curse we have put ourselves under and walk once again like kings and Queens.
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Mr. Kaleb thank you for all this information. I have always know that my stock or ancestry was of a Devine origin. But I always felt a gap, like if something existed in my past that was being suppressed.
I am awoken now, and I understand that I am a Hebrew because my ancestors fled into Africa I also know that I belong to the Zebulon tribe. I now seek the true Hebrew religion. Where do I go to learn more?