Himba Tribe Of Bantu Hebrew Origin


The Himba (singular: OmuHimba, plural: OvaHimba) are indigenous peoples with an estimated population of about 50,000 people[1] living in northern Namibia, in the Kunene region (formerly Kaokoland) and on the other side of the Kunene River in Angola.[1][2] There are also a few groups left of the Ovatwa, who are also OvaHimba, but are hunters and gatherers. The OvaHimba are a semi-nomadic, pastoral people, culturally distinguishable from the Herero people in northern Namibia and southern Angola, and speak OtjiHimba (a Herero language dialect), which belongs to the language family of the Bantu.[1][2] The OvaHimba are considered the last (semi-) nomadic people of Namibia. These people are Bantu Hebrews our brothers and sisters. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMEN EVER

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